Monday, April 23, 2018

Sugar free Gummies

4 packs of jello
3 cups of water
9 packets of gelatine.
This will give you a WHOLE LOT of 1cm x 1cm x 1cm cubes when cut up. (Let them cure in the fridge overnight). These WILL stain your hands. If you like "sour" gummies, get some citric acid, and powder it with some artificial sweetener (like swerve) in a mortar and pestle until almost confectioner's sugar consistency. Coating the cubes with this will significantly reduce the staining on the hands, as well as give a very tart kick.
Can use a glass pan. you won't need any sort of parchment. After they solidify, they lift right out in a sheet that you can easily cut into cubes. Use  a large pyrex dish


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